Aug 9, 2022After the deluge"After the deluge" has been selected for the Petite Miniature Textile exhibition at the Wangaratta Art Gallery. June 18 - August 14,...
Mar 1, 2022Internal AffairsPlease join me at the exhibition Internal Affairs. April 1 - 7, 2022 11am - 6pm daily Opening reception Sunday April 31, 2 - 4pm Small...
Feb 20, 2022Self portrait as an old bagSelf portrait as an old bag has been selected as a finalist for the International Art Textile Biennale, 2020. It also won the Fibre Arts...
Feb 20, 2022The inaugural BAM Prize50 Shapes. 2017. Discarded plastic bags and entomological pins. 50 Shapes won the inaugural Byron Arts Magazine (BAM) Prize of $5,000. It...